#849: Library love

The Girl reminds me a lot of myself at that age in one way in particular: we both absolutely love the library.

I remember what a thrill it was when I became old enough (age nine) to walk to the library on my own. Oh, what joy, to  spend long summer days and browse through thick chapter books, comic books, board games, and even sewing patterns (yeah, they don’t have those at libraries anymore). It was a good 15-minute walk, but in those days, everything about the world just seemed safer, and closer, and more do-able. So I’m sad that I don’t feel entirely comfortable allowing my 10-year-old daughter out on her own to walk to the library in this day and age.

So on a recent Saturday afternoon, I was tickled to know that nothing would please the Girl more than to spend a Saturday afternoon at the library in in a nearby town. In fact, she’d been asking for several months now to visit that particular library; she’s discovered all the little libraries in our town and the next two over, and was really intrigued by this beautiful structure. Sure, she’d like to go to the beach afterwards, but the Saturday afternoon would only be pleasant with a visit to this library.

Is it an exaggeration to say that my Girl in the library was like most kids in a candy store? No. And though the Boy at the age of five doesn’t share quite the same enthusiasm for libraries that his sister does, I was glad that she had insisted on it. A gorgeous building inside and out, Blu-Ray DVDs for loan, and self check-out!

We book-lovers are so easy to please.

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